Tools & Parts

Qty. Product Image Item Name Price
35 Famicom Slot (60 Pins)

Famicom Slot (60 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Famicom or use it to make Catridge Reader.


30 Famicom Slot with ear (60 Pins)

Famicom Slot with ear (60 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Famicom or use it to make Catridge Reader.


0 Game Boy Slot (32 Pins) (Not for real GB)

Game Boy Slot (32 Pins) (Not for real GB)

You can use it to make Catridge Reader. Or use for development. It is not for real Game Boy. It can use for GB/GBC/GBA Cartridge.

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0 Game Gear Slot (45 Pins) (Not for real GG)

Game Gear Slot (45 Pins) (Not for real GG)

You can use it to make Catridge Reader. It is not for real Game Gear.

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63 Genesis Slot (64 Pins)

Genesis Slot (64 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Genesis/MegaDrive or use it to make Catridge Reader. MD Pro programmer use it to make.


0 Genesis Slot with ear (64 Pins)

Genesis Slot with ear (64 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Genesis/MegaDrive or use it to make Catridge Reader. (The hole of ear is little bit bigger than original)

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20 Japan Mark III Slot (44 Pins)

Japan Mark III Slot (44 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Japan Mark III or use it to make Catridge Reader. Mark III converter for MD use it to make.


68 Master System Slot (50 Pins)

Master System Slot (50 Pins)

You can use it to repair broken slot Master System or use it to make Catridge Reader. SMS Pro programmer use it to make.


23 NES Slot (72 pins) (Not for Real NES)

NES Slot (72 pins) (Not for Real NES)

It is not replacement parts for NES. So, you can not use it to replace damaged NES Slot. You only can use it to make something like Cart Reader.


92 NES Slot with ear 2.50mm pitch (72 Pins), Not for original NES

NES Slot with ear 2.50mm pitch (72 Pins), Not for original NES

You can use it for development or clone NES or make Catridge Reader.
